The number of young women aging out of foster care in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area is astounding, and only a fraction of those young women have family members and close friends who will help them navigate becoming a productive, responsible adult.
Do you own a business that could support Unfaulted? Are you interested in investing in our organization?
Unfaulted needs partners for financial and community support.
America’s Most Vulnerable Children
Out of the 442,995 children in foster care in 2017, 123,437 were waiting to be adopted
Of the 247,631 children aging out of foster care in 2017, 101,199 did not have any family members or guardians to move in/connect with
In 2016, CPS received approximately 4,100,000 potential referrals, involving about 7,400,000 children
In 2017, 674,000 children were determined to be victims of abuse or neglect; of these:
1. 74.9% were neglected2. 18.3% were physically abused
3. 8.6% were confirmed to be sexually abused (this statistic is always significantly
lower than the actual number due to how difficult it is to prove)
In January 2018, a point-in-time survey identified 4,093 unaccompanied homeless youth on a single night
Foster families receive anywhere from $400-$5457
Although the rates of spiritual abuse are not recorded, 100% of our young women have experienced someone using Scripture or religion in an abusive way
Short Term Goals for 2023
- Bring in 10 new young women
- Compensate a core staff to be able to provide consistent 24 hour support and case management
- Long Term Goals for Next 5 Years
- Obtain Property to develop:
- Onsite Housing
- Onsite Classrooms / Community Space
- Onsite Office Space